Rob Charles & Bill Long
September 1, 2023
Even while building a Safety-First culture, accidents happen. When they do, we rely on our associates training and best instincts to carry the day.
Recently our veteran driver Paul Harris (Flash), while undoing the straps from his truck fell over a wall and into a side yard. Paul was injured and without the ability to get up or move around. Thankfully, Paul could use his cell phone. Paul called back to the Bender Lumber Paoli store to get help.
Quickly and without personal regard, Paul and his situation were made a priority. Truck driver Bill Long and salesman Rob Charles headed to the jobsite which was ten miles away. Helping Paul was their only concern.
They found Paul, on the ground, and in lots of pain. Rob and Bill quickly secured the scene but did not attempt to lift Paul, fearing internal injuries. They called for an ambulance while giving Paul as much comfort as possible.
As the doctor’s care for Paul, we must remind ourselves how important daily attention to our safety should be. We pray for Paul’s recovery and are thankful for the actions of our Extra Milers.
Congratulations to Rob Charles and Bill Long for being our newest members of the Extra Mile Club.