Tim Morrison

April 3, 2023

The struggle is real. When delivery and material handling equipment is what you do, having equipment in good working order is paramount. As equipment breaks down business stops. The service platform we are proud of is on pause. How long it is on pause depends on what it is, can we properly diagnose the problem, and when can a service tech come ready to make the repair?

Luckily we have some employees equipped and willing to use their expertise to diagnose these problems. Recently in our Bloomington store we had an important forklift breakdown. Not only did it stop mid-stream, but we could not find the problem. Luckily Tim Morrison our “crack” boom truck driver who can also run any equipment we own, walked by. After just a few short moments Tim found a loose wire, quickly repaired the disconnection and the truck was back in service.

Tim is the guy who demonstrates our third “Core Value”, “Commitment” well. He is always willing to do whatever it takes to make sure our service platform to our customers is unbroken. Of course, this is a cost savings as the service truck tech’s attention is not cheap. Mostly we were able to continue to load our delivery truck, quickly and deliver the load to our waiting client who was ready to finish the job.

Tim not only goes the Extra Mile in this way, but is also willing to take on extra duties like being a Forklift Trainer and the person who will ride along with new rookie drivers, mentoring them as needed.

Of course, just like Tim, many of our associates contribute more to the the culture at Bender Lumber. All are valuable teammates, always willing to go the Extra Mile.

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