Robbie Hayes
October 29, 2020
Our newest member of our Extra Mile Club is our Bedford Bender Lumber Store senior driver Robbie Hayes. Robbie has a passion for what he does and seeks to help our stores succeed. He is the consummate team player willing to do almost anything to help our customers get their deliveries “on time”. In fact, Robbie often stops by job sites so he can pass a lead on to one of our Customer Service Representatives.
During the week of September 14th, 2020, our Bender Lumber store in Bedford was very busy. Not only were they experiencing record sales and short-staffed, but this was also their physical inventory week. Everything had to be ready to count by the end of the week.
Then, out of nowhere, one of their drivers had a family member test positive for the Coronavirus (COVID-19). This driver had to self-quarantine or risk spreading the illness. The pressure was on Melissa Hilkey, our store manager, and her sales team to deliver a high volume of material with her driver pool cut in half. Under normal circumstances and without employees who have a passion for what they do, this could have been disastrous.
However, she had Robbie Hayes who often surprises everyone with his dedication to doing his job in an exceptional way. This week, Robbie willingly made deliveries well into the night to keep our contractors going with material on the job, ready for when they arrived the next morning. Robbie was able to double his capacity until our other driver was cleared to come back to work.
Great job earning your entry into our “Extra Mile Club”.