Jordan Imel
May 30, 2023
Let’s face it, winter time working in a lumber yard setting can make for some long days. It’s no secret our business tails off drastically in the cold months. That’s why our managers line up several projects that need to be done and can keep our employees busy.
Our Madison store manager Brady Chitwood is no exception. Brady made a “Slow Season To Do List” to be implemented among his employees. One of the special task was to clean up and remodel the bathrooms. Remembering our “Core Values”, it says we are “People who do whatever it takes”, quickly and with an eye for design, Jordan Imel volunteered for the job.
During this time, Brady was dealing with many obstacles that would take him away from his duties. Ok, we have all heard the saying: “When the cat’s away, the mice will play”? Not so at our Madison store as associates wanted to complete their given task while Brady was away, making Brady proud when he got back.
Jordan was exceptional as she dug in, asked for help where she needed it and stayed focused on the job at hand. Jordan took a job that was not necessarily exciting and made it so by approaching it with creativity and resolve. It’s no wonder she is a rising “Star” for our company.
Congratulations Jordan on being nominated, you are now an “Extra Miler.”